Appliance pick up Norfolk (757-581-7009)
All makes and models of heavy appliances are picked up for free in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and Portsmouth. Norfolk and Virginia beach areas are covered with no extra fees, However, there a few things you should know before contacting us for free appliance pick up in Chesapeake and Portsmouth. These areas are farther away from us and require extra gas and time to reach. Therefore, Please be sure that you have more than one appliance that needs to be picked up. The following appliances are accepted.
Please fill out the form below to schedule a free washer and dryer pick up if you live in or near any major city . Be sure to include the city and state that you live in. Please note that appliances located upstairs or in the basement will cost an additional 25 dollars per appliance to be removed.
Appliance pick up (what appliances are accepted)
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Washers and dryers
- Stoves and ranges
- Resturaunte equipment of all sorts
- Dishwashers if they are accompanied by another major appliance
- Water heaters if they are accompanied by another major appliance.
- Trash companctors if they are accompanied by another major appliance.
Appliance pick up Norfolk (Things to note)
Please be sure that all food and beverages are removed for a refrigerator before contacting us for appliance pick up. Your appliances do not have to be cleaned up in any way in order to be accepted for free appliance pick up.
Appliance located upstairs will cost 25 dollars per appliance to be removed. You can avoid this fee by having your appliance situated on ground level such as in the house on the first floor or in the basement.
Appliance pick up (how to schedule a free appliance pick up in Norfolk.
To schedule a free appliance pick up in your city, please fill out the form or you can call (757-581-7009)